Are you a Woman over 30? Tired, Forgetful, Low Sex Drive?

Are you a Woman over 30? Tired, Forgetful, Low Sex Drive?

As women head into their middlin’ years we hear a lot about the oh so fun effects of losing estrogen. But what we don’t hear much about is the effect of TOO MUCH estrogen, or what’s called “estrogen dominance.” This is a very common problem, which can be caused by prolonged stress, use of birth control pills...

How Stress Makes You Fat

How Stress Makes You Fat

You’ve probably heard of cortisol.  Just like adrenaline, it’s one of the hormones your body releases when you’re stressed out. But did you know that cortisol imbalance is the most common hormonal imbalance in America?...A cortisol imbalance can show up in multiple ways, but one of the most obvious is weight gain.  So if you’re trying to lose weight don’t overlook the effects of this powerful hormone!

5 Tips to Make Your Life Better with Chinese Herbal Medicine

5 Tips to Make Your Life Better with Chinese Herbal Medicine

Did you know that Chinese herbs can knock out both bacteria AND viruses? That’s something that anti-biotics can’t do. Also, many strains of bacteria are already becoming resistant to the popular anti-biotics available in the United States. We’ve heard time and time again from our patients that our herbs worked for them when anti-biotics didn’t...